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  • Music Tracks designed for Movement… Motion

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Music Tracks designed for movement... motion.

Whether it’s traveling at high-speeds down the Autobahn or racing through a tunnel on a runaway train. “DRIVE” delivers quality music and strength in a supportive way. Always aware of the visuals needs.

The performances were captured at Pineapple Studios in British Columbia, Canada. Using the latest SSL technology and the 9 foot Steinway Grand piano. Mixed by Miles Foxx Hill for Mikrotunes Productions.

DRIVE delivers track after track the “grooves” to drive any production over the top.

Timeless. Flawless.

Go for a test “Drive”

Instrumental Tracks

The latest offering from veteran library composer Michael Rheault

Two years in the creation and now available for Music Library Distribution. Performances by Drummer Bobby Ruggiero and Bassist Miles Foxx Hill. These musicians are the former and current touring rhythm section for Van Morrison. Horns by world renowned Tom Keenlyside (Saxophone) and Vince Mai (Trumpet).

Vocal Tracks


DRIVE also features a new collection of original songs composed and produced by Michael Rheault. 

These songs were composed exclusively for use in series television. 

Jesus Pills - edgy, dark and dangerous. In the style of "The Sopranos" . This track is made for the next gritty television series.

Paradise - the reality of facing impending demise This track portrays a glimmer hope. Soul searching. Deep. Lonely.

Heavy Rain - the ultimate production ballad of lost love. A simple song evolving into large orchestration and choir. Stunning.

Walk with Me - testimony of enduring love and companionship. Uptempo. Pop. Strong hooks with commercial appeal.